Monday, October 12, 2009

Need to break up a avi file and send it by email on a mac, whats the best program to do this?

The file is 90 M , need to make it either smaller so can email or break it up, sending it from a mac to a pc so need to be compatible too??!!!
Need to break up a avi file and send it by email on a mac, whats the best program to do this?
VirtualDub is great for this. You open the AVI with it and then select the "in" and "out" points using the time bar and/or buttons on the bottom. Use this to export the video as smaller chunks of data. Remember, AVIs are edited based on what's called a "keyframe" - one frame of film that the frames that come before and after are based on during in encoding. You can get VirtualDub here: . I don't know if it will work on a Mac, but there's nothing on the downloads page that says it can't, so you might as well give it a shot. Hope it works out!

EDIT: VirtualDub can cut video up based on time, but not based on resultant file size, so you'll have to experiment with how much time = file size. VirtualDub can also re-encode the video in a smaller resolution or in a less-precise format, and this can help you save on file size, but the cutting-up method is easier to get the hang of if you're new to video editing. Also, here's the Wikipedia page on keyframes, which explains them better than I do.

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