Sunday, May 23, 2010

Have anyone received any e-mails about email raffle draw program from dr.carlos ramirez?

held on the 30th of August 2008 and it is about winning $250.000:00
Have anyone received any e-mails about email raffle draw program from dr.carlos ramirez?
yes. i have. several times in fact. with the mail i get, i have more money then donald trump! please tell us you didn't answer it? trust me. you will NEVER win ANY KIND OF MONEY FROM MAIL LIKE THESE. NEVER ANSWER (give) any of their questions. its a scam. just report the mail by clicking the tools icon in the upper right hand corner and report the mail. after that, delete it. please, report these mail. ALL OF THEM. the quicker yahoo gets them, the quicker they can get them.
Reply:Its a con, stay away from it, delete it!!!

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