Monday, October 12, 2009

Is there any fun email programs out there for a mac?

I have a Mac G5 10.4 and had entourage before. It was boring. Though easy to use. Since I had my HD replaced, Mac mail is on it. No thanks. Ugly and dull. Is there any out there I can hook my telus account up to that is interesting that will work with my mac?
Is there any fun email programs out there for a mac?
Thunderbird of course is Mac OS X available too, but if you upgrade to Leopard, Apple Mail is way the most advanced mail client available, with REALLY fun and creative new features (actually the new feature you're interested to is called Stationery). Check the official page and there are many videos on YouTube too. UPGRADE!!
Reply:Have you ever used linux based applications? Mozilla Thunderbird works great, but you be the judge.
german name

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