Monday, October 12, 2009

DO you have to add commas after each email on every program?

i had a couple thousand people subscribe to my list,and i dont wanna add a couple thousand commas,isnt there anyway i can import them?or something that auto adds commas?please help
DO you have to add commas after each email on every program?
Depends ont he email system you are using, example:

Yahoo: will not allow you to send to more than about 25 at one time internally or externally

Gmail: has a limitation of about 50 on yrou present list

If you are on an external email server like at work, there may or may not be limits as such.

Also Outlook will require a separator, but then you can do a select your entire list or create a group with all emails in yrou contacts.

But, Yes there has to be a separator either a comma or a semicolon.

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