Monday, October 12, 2009

Can you email myspace users from an outside email program?

and how do you address it if u can
Can you email myspace users from an outside email program?
If yuo have their email address is the only way. get a myspace it rules!
Reply:thanks :) Report Abuse

Reply:nope you can't gotta have a myspace account.
Reply:Hei my friend just go to option and make a change to promote your "myspace".Besides that,you also can see the other person update"myspace" in same time also can add some friend so that is the best to help you.Don't make the problem just follow my instruction and for sure will solve it.
Reply:This is a security feature of myspace to protect a user from SPAM messages. If you'd like to email a user directly, you should ask them for their real email address via the MySpace messaging system.
Reply:I really don't think that you can
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